If you’re into sharing images online - read this to help you avoid trouble. When it comes to re-posting images that you didn’t make yourself, there are many subtleties and complexities. But they boil down to this...Click on the link to visit the website.
Read MoreHow to Order a Print on palebluedotphoto.ca: A Step-By-Step Guide
In honour of that most American of holidays - Black Friday - I thought I'd give you a step-by-step walk through on how to order prints from the website.
After-all, the gift-giving season is upon us and a print would make a great gift.
Read MoreIntellectual Property, Copyright Law & Monkey Selfies
A couple of years ago, a photographer was in the Indonesian rain-forest taking pictures of macaques. He setup his camera to enable the macaques to make their own pictures and then he was sued by the monkey for ownership of the photos.
Read MoreWinter's Coming
So how’s the first week of daylight saving time treating you? I have to admit, it’s kicking my ass this time around. I’m not getting accustom to the time change at all. But it brings to mind something salient to photography. With less available light, and more hours of darkness throughout the season...
Read MoreJust Back It Up
Back in the days of film, it was always devastating to accidentally open the back of your camera, exposing your entire roll and losing your photos. At least you could say you ‘only’ ruined 24-36 photos. The damage was limited. Even so, do you remember how...
Read MoreRoad Grids + Astronomy = Photographic Opportunity
Having just come back from Morocco, I have a renewed appreciation for the way older cities are laid out. The narrow, winding, organic layout of the streets lend older cities a lot of character, charm and idiosyncrasies. Many North American cities are laid out in a grid. While this can make a city easier to navigate and for traffic to flow, it can also be a little bland...sometimes.
Read MoreIn Defence of Being a Tourist
I don't think there's a word that's said with as much derision as the word tourist (well... that, and the word hipster). And I think that the two words also have another thing in common...
Read MoreBeing a Good Tour Group Member
For all the convenience, ease and camaraderie a tour group offers - there are a few things that the traveller needs to bring to the table too. I would urge those of you that can't abide by the following guidelines...
Read MoreGone Fishin'
I'm so excited!! This week is going to be my last blog post before a brief hiatus. Don't worry, the blog will be back on Oct/11. During that time - I'll be travelling to Morocco - making plenty of pictures along the way.
Read MoreAnd As August Came To A Close...Panic Set In
In the High Peruvian Andes, where Shepherdding Alpaca’s is a way of life, there are Shepherd’s houses dotting the landscape at over 4000m above-sea-level.
Read MoreA Day Late and A Dollar Short...
One of the biggest celestial events of the year occurred in North America a couple of days ago, and not a word on my blog about it...until now.
Read MoreDo You Ever Need a Large Camera?
Dedicated camera equipment (SLRs, point-and-shoot, etc…) do have their place. So here are some of the applications in which a phone will usually let you down…
Read MorePSA: Know the Signs of GAS
Gear Acquisition Syndrome (or GAS for short) has been afflicting the photography community since its inception, and today, with the dominance of digital photography, it’s only getting worse.
Read MoreFormer Google Executive Destroys DSLRs! You Won't Believe What He Has To Say...
A former Google executive posted a couple of photos of his kids on his Facebook page with some...
Read MoreYou Need to Get Up, Get Out and Make Pictures
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the importance of photographing in the moment. You can never know when something that you once considered an institution will suddenly close it’s doors, never to return. This sort of thing has been happening in our city (and around the world) for a lot longer...
Read MoreA paleblueblog Clip Post!
Remember way back when television shows would periodically run a clip show and try to pass it off as a brand-new episode? It was nearly always disappointing. You'd look forward to a new episode all week and when the time finally arrived...
Read MoreFeeling Thirsty? Let’s Talk About Exposure...
Let’s say a full cup of water is an ‘ideally’ exposed photograph (that is to say not ‘too dark’ or not ‘too bright’) and you, as the photographer need to choose how you want to fill that cup. An exposure, technically speaking, will be influenced by 4 powerful factors...
Read MoreThe Single Most Important Component of a Camera
Last week, I was asked to photograph an object in the spur-of-the-moment. Well… to be honest, I had forgotten that I had committed to making this photograph and when the day arrived, I had nothing but my smartphone with me...
Read MoreThe Myth of Canadian Manners on the eve of Canada 150
I don’t mean to bum anyone out (sorry!) - but Canadian politeness is as mythical as igloos in Vancouver… in August.
Read More🎶 Don't Delay, Photograph Right Away 🎶
In Toronto, as with many places in the past few years, we’ve been undergoing a lot of gentrification. Much of the quirkiness, vibrancy and grittiness (yes, even Toronto has some grit) that make a city unique, are disappearing. In its place...
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